"Protected by mountains, Ouro Preto embodies the History of Brazil's gold rush era from the 17th and 18th century . Settlers and religious orders filled the town with cobblestone streets, austere houses and small churches with richly decorated interiors. The result in terms of architecture is an impressive harmony. Two geniuses of Brazilian arts, architec and sculptor
At that time, Ouro Preto was the richest Brazilian city, the place where, by order of
What seemed a curse turned into a blessing: the lack of wealth prevented changes in the architecture, and all the richness of the buildings was preserved. Ouro Preto was, in 1980, the first Brazilian town to be listed by Unesco as one of the World Heritage Sites.
More recently, the establishment of industries in the surrounding area, the growth of population and increase in traffic have threatened the harmony inherited from the past. A particular cause of concern is the street carnival of Ouro Preto, which attracts students from all over
From the state capital Belo Horizonte the most practical way is taking BR040 highway, toward Rio de Janeiro. After driving for 20km exit to BR356 (highway of the Inconfidentes) all the way to Ouro Preto. 98 km around 1 and half hours from bus.